Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm back! If anyones still out there...

Hello? Is this thing on?

I'm back on the web!!!

I am posting mostly because I am so excited about life right now.

I am not painting much right now. Although I have two paintings glaring at me to finish them and guilt slamming me.

But I'm writing and I'm FINALLY liking what I'm writing. Matt and I are doing NaNoWriMo again this year- National Novel Writing Month. It is such a blast. The goal is 50,000 words in one month.

Last year was fun, but my story was so involved and huge, I really only scratched the surface of what I wanted to write.

This year, my story is a re-hashed amalgam of a couple of stories I've written and re-written for over a decade now. And I feel pretty good about it.

To the point that I may ACTUALLY let people read it. MAYBE. I will for sure ask Matt to read it. He is an excellent editor and I'd love his opinion.

So, thats where I am. I'm stoked.

And my house is clean enough for drop in guests. You KNOW my life is good when I can say that. I'm on the wagon with this new house.

Check it out! The picture is off my living room, my favorite room in this house.