Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Food for eating not just abuse

So, I realized last year that I have a bit of an eating disorder. Nothing too serious- no professional help required, but there nonetheless.

I over eat, comfort eat, and then generally obsess about what I ate. In the past any given day could include the consummation of an entire bag of Oreos, perhaps a stick of butter, and definetly as much meat as I could get my hands on.

Well, last year for Lent I gave up cookies candies and cakes.

I lost 8 pounds.

So, in August, Matt and I started Weight Watchers.

I have since lost at least 30 pounds. And I am astounded at how poor my diet was- and still is, actually.

I'm dabbling in raw foods. This is something I've always felt was a ridiculous idea. But the more I try, the more I like. It started with the Green Smoothies and now its spreading into my snacks .

MAtt is not very interested in doing much that involves uncooked food, especially as a main course. He loves salad, but, he's not into say, Raw tacos, or anything like that.

But, when we start harvesting from our garden, I'm going to start trying things out with him.

In the meantime, I'm focusuing on whole foods for our meals.

Tonight we're having chicken breasts, sauteed spinach with garlic and barley.

Thats good, right? Not raw....but wholesome. Nothing out of a box!

Friday, March 21, 2008

the flu that wont die

Enough said. We are all sick and achy and some of us are vomiting.

I just thought someone should know in case we never recover.

(just kidding....its not THAT BAD)

(but it is irritating.)

Thanks for reading- I'm sure you're inspired now.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Shameless mom post

As kids get older, you seem to have less and less of the whole "awww...look at cute" feeling.

But Matt came home from the airshow with some pictures and this one was among them. For me it shows the baby boy I've been in love with since he was born almost 7 years ago.

If you can calm him down and take a picture of him before he makes some goofy face for the camera- you baby.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The handicap of my creativity

So, my brain doesn't function well. If I have any idea at all or if I'm working to get some ideas for some artisitic endeavor, then I lose all ability to say, find my keys, keep appointments, process general information from a phone conversation, etc.

And I generally ignore laundry, dishes, spills and personal hygeine.

Then, if I can actually express my thought or ideas somehow- I am eventually able to say, "Hey, we need clean socks!!" and throw in a few loads.

I'm not there yet. I'm still wandering around working on my story for Script Frenzy in April, and trying to figure what Resurrection means to me.

I am painting LIVE during the Easter service at Oak Hills and Resurrection is the theme. Well, Resurrection and Hallelujah. And no cliches allowed (no sunrise, no tomb, no cross, no easter lily). So, my brain is panicking and trying desperately to come up with an original thought.

As far as Script Frenzy, I'm pretty set on my story, I just have alot of little things to nail down. This on top of just learning to format a Script!

I also have ambitions to paint enough to get some piece into a gallery. But, yikes! I've got three kids! I can barely keep it together here.

So, I'm only functioning half-way right now. Most people think I'm a fool, of course, but I have to let go of that. At some point I've got to except that these are things I love to do, and as long as my family is healthy and safe, its fine.

But I think I will make sure we all have underwear for the next week...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Busy busy

I have a full time job, it seems. It's called Co-op preschool/Storytime/voluteering at School. (ok, that was totally lame writing...but you get the idea...I only have a few minutes before I have to leave, give me a break!)

Today I read at storytime at the library, then I go to the park until I have to pick up Wyatt at the bus stop.

Tommorow it's my workday at preschool, then I have to rush and get the girls to my moms so I can get up to Wyatts school (25 minutes up into the woods) to teach art.

I love all this, really. It totally fills me up, but for some reason in my personality, I need a lot of free time to let my brain roam around and be free of structure.

You'd think I'd use the time to do laundry or mop- but no....I'm usually just trying to mentally format my screen play or figure out what to paint.

Thats all for now.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Weird Kids, Awful Kids, Sick Kids

That pretty much sums up my bunch the last week.

The sick one- Wyatt. He caught the awful flu that everyones had and pretty much has slept for 5 days.

The weird one- Violet. She continues to frustrate and bewilder us with her personality.

The awful one- Scarlet. You've never seen more determination. She had me nearly in tears (a serious feat) last week in a Hallmark store.

Who's idea was this? Having kids? This is no good. There is no rest. There cant even have good coffee without getting it dumped on your favorite book or your Ektorp sofa from IKEA.

How on earth will I stay sane? I wont. I will continue to lose it on a daily basis on then crumble in despair at my poor parenting.

The good thing is- the kids will continue to say they're sorry. Or in Scarlets case, she'll say, "'K, mommy, k?" And thats the good part. Why do they keep loving me? I don't even get them fully clothed every day and yet they dont hate me for some reason.

And despite their eccentricities, I can't stop being addicted to their little (dirty) faces. And I guess I can deal with the fact that when we go places people regard them as monsters. This is one area where my people pleasing doesn't fully apply. (possibly the only area)