Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Busy busy

I have a full time job, it seems. It's called Co-op preschool/Storytime/voluteering at School. (ok, that was totally lame writing...but you get the idea...I only have a few minutes before I have to leave, give me a break!)

Today I read at storytime at the library, then I go to the park until I have to pick up Wyatt at the bus stop.

Tommorow it's my workday at preschool, then I have to rush and get the girls to my moms so I can get up to Wyatts school (25 minutes up into the woods) to teach art.

I love all this, really. It totally fills me up, but for some reason in my personality, I need a lot of free time to let my brain roam around and be free of structure.

You'd think I'd use the time to do laundry or mop- but no....I'm usually just trying to mentally format my screen play or figure out what to paint.

Thats all for now.

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