Friday, April 25, 2008

Under the gun with no voice, no time and a toddler

Tonight there is a Gallery at Oak Hills Church I've PROMISED to have at least one piece in. The problem is I HAVEN'T FINISHED ANY OF THE PIECES!!!!!

My house is a wreck, too. I've got so much to do this morning, my natural tendency is to ignore it all and go to bed. Seriously- I did it in college all the time! I know, I know, I'm a grown up, I've got to get my rear in gear. (yikes, "rear in gear"?)

Also, I've lost my voice and Matt and I are in a skit Saturday night for this Mosaic:Night with the Arts. I will be fine I'm sure, but yikes....

Here is my latest painting, which I actually like! Ok, off to finish my other painting.

1 comment:

Flo said...

omg... that painting is gorgeous!! you are so awesome.

how did the skit go? i'll have to call you this week.

love you lots!