Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Oh the humanity

I hate teeth. I'm told I don't want dentures, but I tend to think those people are simply paid by greedy dentist to say that. My teeth suck. They are the only part of my body that I cant count on to work WITH me. (ok, my skin doesn't help me much either.)

My teeth hate me and I hate them. I use to take better care of them, but now it seem even brushing hurts.

Last time I went to get a filling, I freaking FELT THE DRILL! @#$%!!!!!!!!!!!!! And four months later, that same tooth looks AWFUL and needs work.

What the HELL am I going to do? I'm freaking out. I have an appointment on May 6th...and I've called my doctor to see if he'll just kill me beforehand. Ok, ok, I mean, I called to see about some Xanax (spelling?).

I'm scared. I'd rather give birth anyday. We can put a man on the moon, but we cant make a tiny filling less painful than passing a human through our torso? What kind of screwed up world is this?

1 comment:

Flo said...

ick... find a different dentist