Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm back! If anyones still out there...

Hello? Is this thing on?

I'm back on the web!!!

I am posting mostly because I am so excited about life right now.

I am not painting much right now. Although I have two paintings glaring at me to finish them and guilt slamming me.

But I'm writing and I'm FINALLY liking what I'm writing. Matt and I are doing NaNoWriMo again this year- National Novel Writing Month. It is such a blast. The goal is 50,000 words in one month.

Last year was fun, but my story was so involved and huge, I really only scratched the surface of what I wanted to write.

This year, my story is a re-hashed amalgam of a couple of stories I've written and re-written for over a decade now. And I feel pretty good about it.

To the point that I may ACTUALLY let people read it. MAYBE. I will for sure ask Matt to read it. He is an excellent editor and I'd love his opinion.

So, thats where I am. I'm stoked.

And my house is clean enough for drop in guests. You KNOW my life is good when I can say that. I'm on the wagon with this new house.

Check it out! The picture is off my living room, my favorite room in this house.


Flo said...

yaaaayyyy... more pics please!

Carolyn said...

I know, I know...I'm going to, I swear!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I love this little window into your life. I've been a somewhat faithful reader of changing rhythm for over a year now, and I'm glad to see this shot of your new home. I'm also glad to see your nanowrimo story coming along. I'm not going to make it to 50,000, but I've had SO much fun! Actually, I learned about NaNo from you guys last year, and did it last year as well.