Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hormones and head games

I'm not sure if its real or not- but every once and a while I'm pretty sure no one likes me.

Usually- I'm told by my husband- it's around my period.

But the evidence is so compelling that I start to form conspiracy thoeories about the people in my life. Like they are all working together to get me out!

Ok- so now you're thinking I'm crazy. Now YOU don't like me either? Great, I'm so screwed.

I really want to be a normal, confident adult. I wish I could get normal and stay there for a whole month- THAT'D be awesome.

I'm going to go eat some rubbish- that usually helps.


Flo said...

you make me giggle.

Thanks for sharing your heart.

Carolyn said...

I'm sort of a tard, really. But thanks for the comment! :)